Alzheimer’s Care
Home Care Solutions provides Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care throughout metro New Orleans & has specialized programs to help with memory loss.
Alzheimer’s disease affects not only memory, but also behavior, thinking and communication abilities. Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s can be extremely stressful on families.
A major issue in caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease is misunderstanding or misinterpreting certain behaviors, such as wandering, refusing to bathe or outbursts of anger. The misunderstanding can be on both sides – the family caregiver or the person receiving care. When caregivers understand the cause of the behavior, they are usually able to adapt the client’s environment or adjust their own behavior to make life less complicated for the memory-impaired person.
Home Care Solutions Caregivers receive on-going training that includes Alzheimer’s Care. They are trained to understand Alzheimer’s disease and learn to apply behavioral techniques to help clients and families.
Well-trained caregivers can keep the individual mentally and physically stimulated and functioning for as long as possible, while alleviating anxieties and frustrations.

Dementia Care
Caring for an individual with dementia can be an extremely stressful job. Work and family obligations can make it difficult for family to provide the amount and kind of assistance truly needed. While no one can replace family, our select team of specially trained caregivers can provide quality care and help ease your concerns.
At Home Care Solutions, we train our staff to work effectively with the challenges of this level of care, such as:
- Memory and communication problems
- Difficult behaviors
- Loss of independence
- Safety issues
Our caregivers receive a minimum of 16 hours of training annually. The training is provided by our staff RN and covers a variety of topics related to Dementia, Alzheimer’s and caregiving. In addition to this, our caregivers receive training specific to client needs, for example special dietary or mobility concerns.
Along with our primary goals of client safety, we want to keep our clients mentally and physically stimulated and functioning for as long as possible. By closely collaborating with the family, we are able to create an individualized care program designed to enhance the quality of life of the person with Alzheimer’s disease. We select caregivers who have the compassion, communication skills and commitment to give this level of care.
High-quality dementia care helps give family members peace of mind while providing dignified and gentle care for their loved one. When special caregiving skills are utilized, the quality of life is improved in spite of the unfortunate losses of this disease.
Home Care Solutions Caregiver training includes:
- An understanding of Alzheimer’s and dementia
- Techniques for communicating effectively
- Skills to understand and manage problem behaviors
- Accomplishing personal care tasks
- Planning meaningful activities
- Creating a safe environment