Aging Life Care Managers see the big picture
October 23, 2018
The Difference Between Home Health, Hospice Care, and In-Home Care/Caregiver Services
November 26, 2018

November is National Family Caregiver Month. It’s when we give special thanks and attention toward those family members who do so much when providing care for a loved one. Those invaluable family caregivers take on mounting responsibilities and they are often unaware of the toll caregiving is taking on them. In many cases, caregiving becomes a full-time job, demanding most of their time, attention and energy. Even the most devoted family members struggle with the challenges of providing loving care while trying to take care of themselves.

  • The average family caregiver is a working mother of school-aged children. Everyday becomes a balancing act of getting the kids ready for school, making sure their loved one has what they need for the day, and then getting themselves out the door for work.
  • Often times the family caregiver manages the medications. This means ensuring their loved one is taking medication correctly and maintaining an up-to-date medication list.
  • Most family caregivers work full or part time in addition to juggling their caregiving responsibilities at home. Once the responsibilities become too demanding, they have to cut back on working hours, take a leave of absence, or quit their job entirely.
  • Late night might be the only time that the family caregiver will have to get a few minutes for themselves to rest and recharge. However, if a loved one may need to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night, that time gets cut short.


Consider All Your Options

A family caregiver may be able to do the job for a while without problems. Eventually, caregiving becomes more challenging, especially when exhausted. If you feel something like this coming on, don’t despair. Instead, be open to accepting help from others.

  • Seek options for paid In-home sitter/companion care.
  • Take advantage of adult daycare programs.
  • Ask a relative or trusted friend to fill in for you a few hours a day.
  • Hire an Aging Life Care Manager™ to save you time and money before a care crisis occurs

It is easy to neglect one’s own needs and well-being, but inevitable to get the right solution that protects the quality of life for everyone involved. If you’re considering how best to meet the needs of your loved one and looking for ways to find reprieve from the overwhelming responsibilities of caring for a loved one, Home Care Solutions is here to help.

Take care of yourself. You must find a way to take care of yourself emotionally, mentally and physically. Finding the right balance in your life can make a huge difference.



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